bartow high school football state championship

The Yellow Jackets were in a good frame of mind after beating South Lake. 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Bartow knocked off two higher-ranked teams to win its first title, and Bartow separated itself from the rest of the teams. The GHSA wishes to thank Gilbert Head of the University of Georgia Hargrett Library for locating many of the GHSA Constitutions from 1909 to 1940. The Cass baseball exploded for eleven runs in the top of the sixth inning Tuesday night to win at Wheeler in Cobb County, 12-2. 2011. Fifth-ranked Carroll is playing in its first football state championship game after knocking off top-ranked Hamilton Southeastern 21-15 in . Watch high school sports and events nationwide, live and on demand, via the NFHS Network. 3 more games Friday at the UNI-Dome. In 1968 Polk County, Florida schools were integrated and all high school students living in Bartow and surrounding areas were, for the first time, going to the same school. All Games at Benedict College. Watch online from home or on the go. November 12, 2021 - Little Snake River High School (LSRHS) broke open a tight first quarter with four touchdowns in the second frame to overwhelm Carbon County rival Encampment 65-24 in the Class 1A/6-man state championship football game Friday at the University of Wyoming's War Memorial Stadium. florida porkfish regulations; nicholas letourneau georgetown. The good Lord provided a way, gave us a great community that supports us and kids that work hard, head coach Lori Jolliff said. true : false ); var chromeLessMute = document.createElement('div'); $('#customplayerwrapper-0-2').prepend(chromeLessMute); = 'chromeLessMute-0-2'; var muteEle = $(chromeLessMute); muteEle.css('display','none'); var hideMuteButton = setInterval(function() { if(chromelessOffset_0_2 != undefined) { setTimeout(function() { muteEle.css('display','block'); if(0){ muteEle.css('display', 'none'); } clearInterval(hideMuteButton); },500); } },100); muteEle.addClass('chromeLessControls'); muteEle.css('zIndex','100'); var muteImage = document.createElement('img'); muteImage.setAttribute('id','customMuteButtonImage-0-2'); $(chromeLessMute).append(muteImage); $(muteImage).css('display', 'none'); if(muteIconStyle_0_2.toUpperCase()=='CUSTOM'){ muteImage.setAttribute('src',customMuteIconSrc); $(muteImage).css('display', 'block'); if(customMuteIconWidth && customMuteIconHeight){ $(muteImage).css('width', customMuteIconWidth); $(muteImage).css('height', customMuteIconHeight); } if (customMuteIconSrc.trim() == '' || typeof customMuteIconSrc == 'undefined'){ muteImage.setAttribute('src',eval(iconColor+'DefaultMuteButtonSrc')); } }else{ muteEle.addClass(iconColor+'Mute'); } var vOrigin = '0'; var hOrigin = '0'; if(muteIconStyle_0_2.toUpperCase()=='CUSTOM' && (customMuteIconX && customMuteIconY)){ muteEle.css('top', parseInt(customMuteIconY) -chromelessOffset_0_2 +"px"); muteEle.css('left', customMuteIconX); }else{ if(mutingControlsPosition == 'Top Left'){ if(enablePlayerControls && playerControlsPosition == 'Top Left'){ vOrigin = '-100%'; muteShift_0_2 = 48; } else{ muteShift_0_2 = 0; } var interval_0_2 = setInterval(function() { if(widthDiv_0_2 < heightDiv_0_2) { muteEle.css('top', 0 + "px"); muteEle.css('left', muteShift_0_2 + "px"); } else{ muteEle.css('left', 0 + muteShift_0_2 + "px"); muteEle.css('top', 0); } if(chromelessOffset_0_2 != undefined) { clearInterval(interval_0_2); } },500); }else if(mutingControlsPosition == 'Top Right'){ vOrigin = '100%'; hOrigin = '100%'; var muteShift_0_2 = 0; if(enableFullscreenControls && fullscreenControlsPosition == 'Top Right'){ muteShift_0_2 = muteShift_0_2 + 48; vOrigin = '200%'; } var interval_0_2 = setInterval(function() { if(widthDiv_0_2 < heightDiv_0_2) { muteEle.css('top', 0 + "px"); muteEle.css('right', muteShift_0_2 + "px"); } else{ muteEle.css('right', muteShift_0_2 + "px"); muteEle.css('top', 0); } if(chromelessOffset_0_2 != undefined) { clearInterval(interval_0_2); } },500); hOrigin = '0'; }else if(mutingControlsPosition == 'Bottom Left'){ var muteShift_0_2 = 0; vOrigin = '0'; if(enablePlayerControls && playerControlsPosition == 'Bottom Left'){ muteShift_0_2 = 48; vOrigin = '-100%'; } var interval_0_2 = setInterval(function() { if(widthDiv_0_2 < heightDiv_0_2) { muteEle.css('bottom', 0 + "px"); muteEle.css('left', muteShift_0_2 + "px"); } else{ muteEle.css('left', 0 + muteShift_0_2 + "px"); muteEle.css('bottom', 0); } if(chromelessOffset_0_2 != undefined) { clearInterval(interval_0_2); } },500); hOrigin = '100%'; }else if(mutingControlsPosition == 'Bottom Right'){ vOrigin = '100%'; hOrigin = '100%'; muteShift_0_2 = 0; if(enableFullscreenControls && fullscreenControlsPosition == 'Bottom Right'){ muteShift_0_2 = muteShift_0_2 + 48; vOrigin = '200%'; } var interval_0_2 = setInterval(function() { if(widthDiv_0_2 < heightDiv_0_2) { muteEle.css('bottom', 0); muteEle.css('right', muteShift_0_2 + "px"); } else{ muteEle.css('right', muteShift_0_2 + "px"); muteEle.css('bottom', 0); } if(chromelessOffset_0_2 != undefined) { clearInterval(interval_0_2); } },500); } } $(muteEle).css('cursor','pointer'); $(muteEle).click(function(){ if(player_element_0_2.muted){ player_element_0_2.setMuted(false); }else{ player_element_0_2.setMuted(true); } toggleChromelessMute_0_2(); }); muteEle.css("-ms-transform-origin", (vOrigin+' '+hOrigin)); muteEle.css("-webkit-transform-origin", (vOrigin+' '+hOrigin)); muteEle.css("transform-origin", (vOrigin+' '+hOrigin)); muteEle.css("-ms-transform", "scale("+scale+","+scale+")"); muteEle.css("-webkit-transform", "scale("+scale+","+scale+")"); muteEle.css("transform", "scale("+scale+","+scale+")"); } if(enablePlayerControls && chromeLess){ var playerIconColor = 'light'; var iOS = ( navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad|iPhone|iPod/g) ?

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bartow high school football state championship