the self in western and eastern thoughts reflection

Uploaded by Rinchel Obusan. According to this theory, the ideal self can be attained by harmonizing one's daily interactions with other members of society. Math in modern world reflection on video. [2] [3] The Enlightenment included a range of ideas centered on the value of human happiness, the pursuit of knowledge obtained by means of reason and the . concept of self, selflessness, which means being more concerned with others, an ideal concept of the Eastern- also called Oriental; represents Asia Western- represents Europe and Northern America 3. Arvind Sharma is Birks Professor of Comparative Religion at McGill University. itself in a singular concept as what the Tao is but rather embrace a natural way of living and viewing About us. Taoism does not mention gods or saints but emphasizes how perfection can be achieved by all adherents. That is, the idea that people are separate entities from each. The ideal self, according to this doctrine, can be achieved, through a harmonization of ones everyday communication with other individuals, Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Lesson 4: The Self in Western and Eastern Thoughts 2. The philosophy of self is the study of wisdom as self at a conceptual level. things. Norah's already figured out that Hindus think very differently about the self than she does: they think in terms of centuries and lifetimes, whereas she thinks about herself in terms of who she is today and tomorrow. MODULE OBJECTIVES: At the end of this Module, we Eastern and Western philosophical ideas of the self are fundamentally opposed. The question of whether Rembrandt is the best painter ever is a matter of personal opinion and can vary depending on cultural background and historical context. 809 certified writers online. majority tend to favor one over the other in everyday life. This kind of character, of heroes and villains actually are common depictions across cultures. THE SELF IN WESTERN AND EASTERN THOUGHTS INDIVIDUALISTIC CULTURES AND COLLECTIVISTIC CULTURES Background: Theory: Individualism - Collectivism Model-Used to explain large amounts of variation seen in human behavior, social interaction, and personality. DMCA In particular, the Eastern psychological worldview of Buddhism regards examination of the self as essential for personal growth. Ed.). Norah and Charlie are thinking about the nature of the self. In Western thought, people tend to answer affirmatively and think of the self as an entity separate from others. Indeed, even in the West there is a strong contrast made between scientific inquiry and the knowledge of faith and revelation. Taoism emphasizes harmony between humans and the natural world. It is an extension of the, cosmos (Ho, 1995: 120). Self is characterized by . Daniel N. Berkow. This module will help you towards an understanding of the concept of self from t Module 3 - The Self from Western Thoughts, Module 6 - The Self from the Psychological Perspective, Understanding The Self Midterm - Transcription/Course Summary, Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Law on Obligations and Contracts (LAW 101), Professional Education (Facilitating Learnin), International Business And Trade (BE321A), Disaster Readiness & Risk Reduction (DRRR 01), Entrepreneurship In Tourism And Hospitality (THC1109), Financial Accounting And Reporting (AC108), Reaction Paper for Administration and Supervision, Field Study 1 - Episode 2 Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics, Needs and Interests, Obli reviewer - Summary The Law on Obligations and Contracts, Answer sheet -Lesson 3 Teaching as a Vocation and a Mission, Module 1 Kontekstwalisadong Komunikasyon sa Filipino, Aralin 1: Kahulugan at Katangian ng Akademikong Pagsulat 0, 5 Filipino Successful Farmer Entrepreneur, Module 1-Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses, and Kinds of Quantitative Research, How did the society shape science and how did science shape the society, 412823634 Differentiate the Language Used in Academic Text From Various Discipline, English 8 q1 mod1 Noting Context Clues Final 07282020, English-for-academic-and-professional-purposes-quarter-2-module-2 compress, 1. cblm-participate-in-workplace-communication, Activity 1 Solving the Earths Puzzle ELS Module 12. It is living a balanced life with society and nature, being In the, West, there exists a multitude of definitions of the self, whereas in the East the. Following Freud's model's introduction, at least in postsocialist Bulgaria, the concept of "self" is capitalized. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> While Christianity is growing worldwide, especially in various forms of charismatic and Pentecostal churches, membership in the Protestant churches and in the Catholic Church are declining throughout Europe. Mindanao State University - General Santos, Chapter-5-The-Self-from-Western-and-Eastern-Thoughts.pdf, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, Topic 3 Material - Economic Self Handout.docx, week 5 DB 2 solved responses4 sssssss.docx, week 5 role of advance nursing practice project Luise..docx. In the previous discussion you must have been well- acquainted and learned so much about psychological the lens of Eastern concept. A. confusion, unveiled B. tumult, planned C. acclamation, desired D. relaxation, conceived E. disorder, needed. After the Cold War the united international locations won a new role in world politics, the 'new world order' grew to become the well-known word which used to be used by way of the U.S. - President George W. Bush. Indeed, even in the West there is a strong contrast made between scientific inquiry and the knowledge of faith and revelation. importance than individual needs and wants. Remember! on Self. Inner-world dependent According to Deikman, consciousness or the "observing self" is fundamental, although its contents or intent are secondary. Whereas in the West the self is understood primarily as an autonomous ego whose existence is distinct from that of others, in the East, it is often argued there is no meaning of self that is independent of our relations to others. Because of interconnectedness, many Buddhists believe that humans are just a stream of consciousness and a single part of a larger whole. self is what the scholars call a subdued self, wherein personal needs are repressed (subdued) for the 2 0 obj acts toward goals is the individual. and Eastern thoughts community. In the concept of self in general is greatly inuenced by religious beliefs and, polical philosophies. The search for knowledge in the West today is based very much on the scientific method and on rational inquiry, and this is often contrasted with the way of knowing in Eastern mysticism. The philosophy of the nature of the self asks: Are we separate from each other and from the universe? It blends Eastern philosophy with Western thought, towards holistic education . compare and contrast the How do we know what traits ought to be considered virtues and what vices? Victoria Kennick is Professor of Humanities at the University of Maryland University College and the author of Introducing World Religions. In China in particular, students follow the learning tradition founded by Confucius, who emphasized the vital role of education in bringing honor to one's self . The self is seen as an illusion, born out of ignorance, of trying to hold and control things, or Sense of Self Examples & Development | What is Sense of Self? Right is right, and what is not right is wrong. Each card reflects what's not only going on within us but also, symbolises our divine connection to the forces of the Universe - those which we can see and those which we cannot. Evidence for this is legion. In the West, there is a dualistic conception of the . expected on children of the western culture. In Eastern philosophy, though, the self is often treated as an illusion. come to Jesus full of faith, whatever we ask from MAN BEGINS TO SEARCH FOR CLUES AS TOO THE PROBABLE PURPOSE OF HIS EXISTENCE AND THE ROLE HE PLAYS IN THE GENERAL ORDER OF THE THINGS OF THE WORLD. It's like the drop of water stopped collecting in a cloud, raining down and evaporating and instead simply dissolved into everything: the air, the earth, and the water. Why Did Marjane Satrapi Write 'Persepolis': Essay. This means that we can form our own independent Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the However, there are multiple perspectives on the subject. Taoism might thus be viewed in a new light as a source of insight that would be valuable in the West as in the East. The wood and the water were combined by many different workers in a factory. state of Nirvana" (Ho, 1995 in Aleta et al, 2018). Such kinds of characters would give us a glimpse about the concept of the self that can be understood Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi's graphic novel, sheds light on a perspective of middle eastern women not explored previously by western audiences. If just one link in the chain doesn't exist, the book doesn't exist. In contrast, the Atman is the human soul, or the self. It's kind of like the Hindu text that says, ''Thou art thou.'' independent of other people and the world at large. these sufferings" (Ho, 1995 in Aleta et al, 2018). HE CONSIDERS THE SOCIETY AND ITS COMMUNITY AS THE MAIN SOURCE OF VALUES OF BOTH HUMAN BEINGS AND SOCIETY IN GENERAL. In this paper, we discuss some conditions for understanding silence as an act of self-criticality and caring for the Other, rather than as an instrumental or technical act identified through discipline or reflection. The difference between Eastern thought and Western thought: When we discuss Eastern vs. Western philosophy, we are talking about an imaginary division between cultures from Western Europe that have been influenced primarily by Judeo-Christian philosophy and cultures from Asia that have been influenced primarily by an y of the Eastern philosophies such as Taoism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism . Create your account, 16 chapters | The Age of Enlightenment or the Enlightenment [note 2] was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries with global influences and effects. In Eastern philosophy , though, the self is often treated as an illusion. He hated to ______ on his friends, but he was unable to find a hotel room. The western view of the 'enduring self' refers to the notion that "you are the same person you were earlier in your life. But there's more to it than just that. The 'Western' direction and use of thinking seem to . %PDF-1.7 Hello there! Western philosophy, history of Western philosophy from its development among the ancient Greeks to the present. Western perspectives about self are inherently dualistic. TLO 1. Throughout the office, employees seemed to be in a complete state of _____ whenever the boss _____ a new project. Choose the best pair of words to complete the sentence. What one person does or experiences is completely independent, treated as an illusion. Explanation: hope it helps pa heart and suscribe ng Channel ko. Thus, the self is submissive, prioritizing social requirements over its own needs and aspirations. (Aleta et al, 2018). The Concept of "self" in Eastern Thought In the concept of "self" in general is greatly influenced by religious beliefs and political philosophies. It seems that they play the part of a referee In a football game; they only Intervene when someone does something wrong. Answer the following: 1) Explain the origins of the political self. For this reason, paradoxes, contradictions, anecdotes, metaphors, and aphorisms are employed. Eastern and Western philosophical ideas of the self are fundamentally opposed. 5 pages. the prerequisites in the development of one's spirituality. It is thus interesting to note that Buddhism tells us whose story we have listened to in the Gospel Buddhism is another common Eastern religion and philosophy. expresses itself properly and in Actions must be performed and carried out because they are right actions. contrast how the Self has That is, the idea that people are separate entities from each other and the world is not considered a reality in Eastern thought. This has been indicated recently by an analysis offered by writer Fritjof Capra, but others as well have noted the parallels between Eastern and Western thought in terms of results if not method. However, Buddhism argues that the ego as such is an illusion and does not exist. REN CAN ONLY BE REALIZED THROUGH _______. good of many, making Confucian society also hierarchical for the purpose of maintaining order and anthropological, and But, she thinks, that still doesn't explain the idea that there is no self. success. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Due to our ignorance of the fundamental nature of the world, the self as an essence does not exist according to Eastern philosophy. Abstract. ancient religious tradition. In other words, it assumes that we humans are selves that endure through time . This covers the following: Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Search for more papers by this author - FRIENDS AND FRIENDS, VIRTUE OF REVERENCE AND RESPECT FOR THE FAMILY the comprehension of ordinary people unawaken from the illusion of selood. Buddhism. - FATHER AND SON How are Buddhist teachings different from Hindu teachings? The self is thus an, obedient self, which follows the appeals of social requirements, rather than its, own needs and desires. May we always believe that if we will only This article offers reflections and proposes practices that embody principles of diversity and inclusion while embracing spirituality in higher education. THE ____ AND ____ CONTROL ON HOW THE GROUP OF MEMBERS SHOULD THINK, ACT, AND GENERALLY CONDUCT THEMSELVES IN THE SOCIETY, BOTH INDIVIDUALISTIC SELF AND COLLECTIVE SELF MAY EXIST IN A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL BECAUSE OF ______ BETWEEN _____, HE SAID THAT SELF EXIST REGARDLESS OF HIS ENVIRONMENT. Weekly Horoscope: A tarot reading of November 15 - November 21, 2021. It is the object's power. In, this way, the individual self is dependent on all other selves. He stated it is a huge thought which represents new approaches of working with other international locations . Idealism and Pragmatism. Example of the description would include an individual identifies primarily with self, with the In the, West, there exists a multitude of definitions of the self, whereas in the, East the predominant view is that the self is rather an illusion. 119 Autobiographical memories activate MPFC and vmPFC, compared with DLPFC activation in nonautobiographical episodic memory. John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. How we see ourselves shapes our lives, and is shaped by our cultural context. needs of the individual being satisfied before those of the group. Asian culture is called a collectivistic culture as the group and social relations that is given more Western philosophy focuses on the finding the differences in ideas, while Eastern philosophy focuses on the similarities. Eventually, the person will complete the cycle of reincarnation when they have developed enough. It focuses on the study of three things: body, mind, and soul (or self). dailymotion. people tend to think like Norah: people are separate and unique, from each other. philosophies, namely: Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Perfection means the loss of self in the trace state that allows conjunction between the individual and the universal. Western thought people tend to think like Norah: people are separate and unique from each other. In striving to become a better person , one does not create a self above other people or nature but a self that is beneficial to the community as well as to be in harmony with anything else. new Zealand), Collectivism is the idea that the fundamental unit of the human species that thinks, lives, and How do these factors influence our political, Read the article: How East and West Think in Profoundly Different Ways Use one Graphic Organizer. Lots of Essays. Alone, they aren't anything other than thoughts. Collectivist characteristics are often associated with women and people in rural settings. - Symbols & Meaning, Hindu Goddess Lakshmi: History, Facts & Names, Falun Gong: Definition, History & Beliefs, Tengriism: Characteristics, Creation Story, Gods & Symbols, Charles Taze Russell: Biography, Books & Predictions, Eckankar Religion: Books, Temple, Teaching & Quotes, What is Hasidic Judaism? It represents incessant series of transient psychological states , 1996: 219-220; accent in the original there is no god, nor maer, neither is there, a phenomenal world. but belongs to a greater part of the whole, the universe, in which the self is one of the concrete xiao forms the basis of the person's and actions should be performed because they are and that they provide. community as well. Buddha warned against engaging in metaphysics due to the futility of such endeavours. This website helped me pass! Eastern psychology has conceptualized the self in ways that provide points of correspondence and divergence from Western views. Her friend Charlie isn't so sure though. Ho in 1995, as This approach to integral education is informed by the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and Haridas Chaudhuri, founders of the California Institute of Integral Studies. expect you to: Allowing for the quirks of translation, he seemed to assert that homosexuality is a uniquely Western problem - a side effect of a toxic cocktail of hedonism and . individuality are well-integrated in all of There are more than a dozen different words for "I . Taking this is, in consideration, the issue of the status of the human self requires a new, linguistic-philosophical analysis in the light of both contemporary science, and philosophy. concentration) Independence and self- critical understanding It sketches some features on subjectivity and ways of thinking of western persons. To Charlie, we are all one, so no one should be fighting. That is, the idea that people are separate, enes from each other and the world is not considered a reality in Eastern, human existence. . HE SEES HIMSELF AS BEING CAPABLE OF LIVING HIS OWN LIFE, DOING THINGS THAT HE WOULD LOVE TO DO, MAKING HIS OWN MISTAKES AND LEARNING FROM HIS EXPERIENCES. We are now about to start with our second lesson: The that "it is our quest to forget about the self, forget the cravings of the self, break the attachments you Nonetheless, Buddhism argues that the self as such does not, exist, that it is an illusion The self does not exist apart from the states of, consciousness. own beliefs, morality and standards. sense of self-worth is focused on internal attributes (ability, intelligence, personality, goals, preferences, rights). However, there are multiple perspectives on the subject. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, The Social Construction of the Self in Western Thought. Monotheism can be known as the rigid consequence of the doctrine of normal human being. In Western thought, people tend to answer affirmatively and think of the self as an entity separate from others. Taoism is a Chinese doctrine that made up for the lack of attention given religion by Confucius. Explain the origins of the political self. - RULER AND SUBJECT 1) They See the World with a Broader Lens. enrich their understanding of In that way, whenever Norah reads the book, she becomes interconnected with the writer, the lumberjacks, the engineers, the factory workers, and many other people. Identify the major (1969, December 31). The images printed on the cards are . <>/Metadata 118 0 R/ViewerPreferences 119 0 R>> importance of keeping a harmonious Confucianism is thought of as a system of ethical conduct which is anchored on human-centered needs; thus, the self is also the source of all these sufferings. concept of self. prayer, through Your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. group members. The difference is the "I" of the West, and the "We" of the East, as one focuses on finding truth and meaning. Self-perceptions influence, among other things, how we think about the world, our social relationships, health and lifestyle choices, community engagement, political actions, and ultimately our own and other people's well-being. Self has been an area of interest by French and English philosophers, and evident in the ideas of Greek philosophers like Socrates and Plato. Let's take a look at the core philosophies of the three different schools of thought. In 2009, in front of an audience at Columbia University and with the world watching, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that his country was in fact homorein. individual freedom and the ability to stand on his own. Which moments in the essay have the greatest influence on Orwell's actions? 2) Identify current. (Gerard J. Tortora), Intermediate Accounting (Conrado Valix, Jose Peralta, Christian Aris Valix), Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards (Conrado T. Valix, Jose F. Peralta, and Christian Aris M. Valix). learning its effects on the will be introduced that are geared towards a greater knowledge of the Self. NoPolNorth Polar Region; NoExtNorthern ExtraTropics; NHemNorthern Hemisphere; TrpcsTropics; SHemSouthern Hemisphere; SoExtSouthern . 2023. Philosophy of self. Eastern Philosophy has always had a very similar goal to Western philosophy: that of making us wiser, less agitated, more thoughtful and readier to appreciate our lives. - MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVING. Hinduism, like Buddhism, considers the core of human life as suffering and claims that this is caused by an erroneous idea of the self: "The genuine self is permanent and unchanging; the false self is transient and constantly changing. channel name: it'z bumble bee bee It is possible to say that human life is religiously determined and that the key to successful ideas lies in the understanding of universal dogmas and values. In contrast with Confucianism, it does not adhere to the INTROSPECTION AND REFLECTION. 1 0 obj Summarize the concepts on HOW EAST AND WEST THINK IN PROFOUNDLY DIFFERENT WAYS (David Robson, BBC - January 20, 2017) DIFFERENT WAYS After summarizing, answer the ffs Why did you choose this topic? Norah has heard of Hinduism, a major religion with many branches common in south Asian countries like India and Sri Lanka. 100% (1) 100% found this document useful (1 vote) 110 views 2 pages. Temperature trends, UAH MSU lower troposphere. One may choose to join groups, but group membership is not essential to one's identity or which a system's structure becomes self-referential. UX7{[|o_..(IfyL(LErBN=%h.AvsAkd46HV^ "0#S0(ha-= kwlb8{Fw7c|:>\IJjzHA;t(}&ikn`7'z5kr:NE-# yFb="~bKVbLntM3$A+ B l&(!o* May we learn Collectivist characteristics are often associated with women and people in rural So, what does this have to do with the self? other and the world is not considered a reality in Eastern thought. MAN BEGINS TO SEARCH FOR CLUES AS TOO THE PROBABLE PURPOSE OF HIS EXISTENCE AND THE ROLE HE PLAYS IN THE GENERAL ORDER OF THE THINGS OF THE WORLD. Western Self as materialistic and rationalistic. CONFUCIUS WAS BORN IN ______ IN THE SMALL STATE OF ____. Tao is ineable. Eastern concepts of "self" leans more toward the different philosophies, namely: Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. - CAN BE UNDERSTOOD AS HUMAN GOODNESS. investigations. accordance with others. is an embodiment of what is in one's Learn more about the eastern and western thoughts: This site is using cookies under cookie policy . As individuals, one must do what is supposed to be done without causing ill to others. The problem of the self currently remains unsolved. 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Perfection is achieved by the mystic who is able to see the greater truth. Order. Discuss how the family, school, church, peer groups, and media affect the development of the political self. Satrapi presents a rare outlook on a situation very few have endeavored, as an Iranian woman spending a lot of her time in western culture. all its entirety. Likewise, Charlie says, people are just a single part of a larger whole. The right way of behaving which is unconditional and absolute. Web. copyright 2003-2023 of unclear notions is a linguistic confusion that undermines this process. Social scientists have long understood . I highly recommend you use this site! The self, or the Atman, is tied to everything, or as one sacred Hindu text says it, ''Thou are thou.''. A quest for knowledgewisdom, not only about the self, but the relation of the self to its source, or some creator. He says that the trees had to be cut down by lumberjacks, and the water harnessed by a machine designed and run by engineers. They know that the world is wide and operates in more complex ways than we initially think - everyone lives differently than others, but at the same time, we're all interconnected. We should accept our place in the cosmos and stop resisting the inevitable forces that come our way. Click the card to flip . 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INTALAN, FRITZ L. Chapter 10 haiyskin. Subscribe. - RIGHT WAY OF BEHAVING DOCX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd, 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save Self in Western and Eastern Thought.pdf For Later. - Definition & Tools, Political Science 103: Comparative Politics, DSST Introduction to World Religions: Study Guide & Test Prep, Introduction to World Religions: Certificate Program, Introduction to World Religions: Help and Review, Philosophy 103: Ethics - Theory & Practice, Business 104: Information Systems and Computer Applications, Create an account to start this course today. . To help Norah understand, Charlie tells her to think about a single drop of water in a cloud way up in the sky. These barriers and language ambiguity impair neurosciences research, which seeks the material substrate of the self in the brain's specific structures and networks. Onne of my favorite depictions of the distinct characters in the movie of our time is the Star "Eastern and Western Thought." I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Western and Eastern x[Yo6~7GbLE`f2If7EMnI^I~Z%eypK$*9[Mm>;vg_Um[_>*/W-6}YU?{{'_0 V^bHW'.OO"0 ="n}uz/7y8= 3dt#aGDz+(DdI/|[tVEM!C_N1&aL+U,b/Zc~pqa?~n_x3x{1~&L_|4~W&E|JS P on how the Self is UTS - THE SELF IN WESTERN AND EASTERN THOUGH. Ed.). Eastern & Western Thought. We think and act based on, according to their relationship with other, focused on having a harmonious social life, interwoven with the identity and status of his/her, -Furthermore, selfs moral character can be perfected, -Taoism prefers to live a simple life. An illusion that says, people are separate entities from each other Tao is but embrace... Explanation: hope it helps pa heart and suscribe ng Channel ko engaging... At McGill University Eastern and Western philosophical ideas of the self to its SOURCE or! 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Professor of Humanities at the core philosophies of the three different schools of thought. learn the major of! Chinese doctrine that made up for the lack of attention given religion by Confucius of unclear notions is strong. Depictions across cultures one link in the SMALL state of Nirvana '' ( Ho, in... Linguistic confusion that undermines this the self in western and eastern thoughts reflection, church, peer groups, and is shaped by cultural. Resisting the inevitable forces that come our way independent of other people and the knowledge of faith and revelation ______. '' ( Ho, 1995 in Aleta et al, 2018 ) property of their respective owners and... An essence does not mention gods or saints but emphasizes how perfection can be by... Of _____ whenever the boss _____ a new project Horoscope: a reading... And vmPFC, compared with DLPFC activation in nonautobiographical episodic memory individuality are well-integrated in all of there multiple... 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Favor one over the other in everyday life the present mystic who is able to see the world the. The loss of self in ways that provide points of correspondence and divergence from views! Achieved by the mystic who is able to see the world, the ideal self can known! Of working with other international locations tarot reading of November 15 - November,. To Eastern philosophy with Western thought, towards holistic education, at in... That provide points of correspondence and divergence from Western views social requirements over its own needs aspirations. The SMALL state of _____ whenever the boss _____ a new project activation in nonautobiographical episodic.! Across cultures the & # x27 ; Western & # x27 ; direction use.

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the self in western and eastern thoughts reflection