exalted saturn in navamsa chart

I mean how houses in d-9 work. To begin with, Jupiter is the planet that denotes faith and optimism as per Vedic sidereal astrology. If the lord of the 7th house is placed in 6, 8, 12 but is in a strong position forming yogas, exalted or aspected by benefic planets, the person gets married but may face some problems in married life. The chart tells us about a persons destiny, fate, spouse and his marriage. May be i missed something being naive. The person may take unneccessary debts that may bother them and it can also show that they have certain responsibilities of home after marriage. The load of karma on your soul is the reason you are bound. For Planets that are Exalted in the D1 Chart, one can give 5 points to those planets. This is a good position for accumulation of wealth after 35. So before you start analysing your planet, first get into details what it stands for in your chart. However, if you are a Astrology Student or Lover, you might be keen into knowing just the theory and heres how its done. They are not like Saturn/Mars! Here, improvement is possible because the D9 chart is basically the fruits of our past life karma. Because remember, D9 is the past life Karmas and the results of our good and bad deeds, so the fate has already been decided and this is the reason why, remedies normally make little difference when planets are weak in D9 chart. At the same time, if Venus is also in a benefic sign and the 7th house lord is well placed in the D9 chart. Eg If your planet is exalted in the D1 and enters a navamsha of its debilitated sign or an otherwise unfavourable navamsha belonging to its enemy planet, it will reduce the emotional inner aspects of satisfaction. Use your common-sense and all will be very good. But a retrograde Saturn can give marriage at time. Eg such a persons mother will have Mercury-like qualities, eg be skilful, analytical skills, a good conversationalist, an instructor at work, one of a large group of siblings, a friend more than a mother, etc. Check the lord of the 9th house in your D1 chart, and see how this planet is placed in the D9 chart. Romance may take a backseat and the native may need to bear the responsibilities of marriage. To satisfy Rahu with all possible treasuries of experience, it has to be Taurus in the foreground D1 and the choice of experience afforded by Gemini in the background. This is a standard list. An exalted Venus or Venus with a benefic or Venus with Jupiter are . Exalted Planet in Navamsa Or D-9 Chart: If a planet (whether it is Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Venus) is in the exalted sign in Navamsa chart then that planet becomes strong enough to give a good result, even if it is debilitated in Rashi chart. He is adrift in dreaminess. . In the deepest sense, life is created because of karma. People with exalted Sun (especially in the Navamsa Chart) are very humble and forgiving and intelligent at the same time. what you are asking about is the Navamsha tulya rashi concept.. the simplest concept to understand. (To attain Mokshie Nirgun Brahma and Sadyo mukti, you will need your Venus to support.). Sorry to bother u again. I have read you advising in some comment box that in d9 house positions is not so important at the same time in other examples giving interpretation according to the house position of planets in in d9 with sign. Their spiritual progress becomes more dominating and they lead a isolated life after marriage. Saturn is anxiety, delay, obstruction, limitations, restrictions, bones, teeth, nails, death, diseases, sorrow, misery. Like i mentioned few positions of signs and planets in d-1 going to different house in d-9 in my previous query. Whether, the person will gain the inherited properties of his spouse, or whether the person will be richer after marriage is seen from the 2nd house. Gemini is the sign which allows a choice in thought processes and actions, and the confidence to carry out both. The Param-uccha. He is an adolescent and often these secrets about the self require adult-understanding to overcome. Here the service demanded is of the highest magnitude. It shows us the fun moments that you will enjoy with your spouse. Cancer and Leo represent the Ajnya chakra. No red or green curtains or walls should be there. (the house placement, position of Mercury etc, will add more shades to your analysis) It is a powerful and malefic planet. It represents the strength of a persons luck and fate. You will not bother about all this and suffer very deeply on all material aspects of life. This sign is abstract, in solitude, but expanded out infinitely in the other-dimensions. setTimeout(function(){ On the other hand, this position of Saturn can also give right direction in making good investment. The Thoth cards are my favourite, I love them. Your siblings might on good terms with you, but there would be no satisfaction in that. So how important this planets position in d9 interms of houses? Also If you could give some insight on those positions, especially how is Venus energy can be directed being in vargottam n exalted! 1) How to find the right Navamsha Lagna (when birth time can vary +/-15 mins): are there are methods to cross confirm? Let us assume that when Ram was born, the ascendant lord was Aries. Things are as you expect it to be, thus you are satisfied. They can be interested in sociology, geography, history and mechanical engineering. Rahu works best hoarding luxuries and treasures, if he has the options, skills and analysis of Gemini at his command. They can also attain a long term property and have dark color vehicles. The 64th navamsa from Moon and Lagna which is the 4th sign from Moon and Lagna in the Navamsa chart is called Khara. This was asked about in another post around 2 weeks ago. But Little desperate here to know so if you could help me out by your comments on few planets positions! It can also give karmic relationship with large organization or their father. It also shows sin committed in past life on in laws and they need to pay a debt on this life. Things have to be very precisely worked out in this environment. Now you are in for a surprise, check out this table. Yes, D9 or Navamsa chart is the Birds eye view of the 9th house and from here, a persons destiny can be unfolded. So, the total Navasmas would be 12 x 9, that is 108 Navamsa. Mars: Mars being the lord of the 7th house makes the spouse of the native have a very aggressive and fierce personality. Next, you have to check the position of these planets in the D9 chart and whether or not, if these planets are exalted, debilitated or in a weak position. Saturn are the challenges we face in life. jQuery('.bot-bar').removeClass('bot-bar-hide'); When the seventh lord is in the Trines or 10th house, it shows prosperity after marriage. Second possibility is that the planet is whatever sign in the D1, but shifts to the navamsha of its debilitated sign. The energies of the 6/8 axis operate here so its very good for karma resolution. Eg if you are an Indian, you start a Yog-teaching studio, a mix of exercise, pran, teaching/learning, homeland, ancient science etc keywords. If you do some remedial measures, mantra of Mercury, or give away items of Mercury, activate Mercury by life-style changes, or even the all-in-one remedy of sitting in Dhyan regularly, this inner subtle comfort will reflect in the outer world too. It is the same with Jyotish. Rahu is a shadowy planet which has distinctive impact in human life. as far as your question goes, the rules on classic neech-bhanga are quite clear, so as per these rules your jupiter in d-9 is in neech bhanga, Namaste mam. Please post an article about birth time rectification, Hello Mam, Always love your general articles and remedy articles . These results will be linked to the sign the planet occupies in the D9, but still the results will be auspicious. So i request if you could give some comments on planets/sign position in d-9 with respect to d-1. Moon: The natives spouse will be emotional and very sensitive. As to how long the marriage will last. Saturn is most uncomfortable in D1 Aries and D9 Virgo. When Astrologers find the need to look deeper into the topics of marriage, luck, fate and so called Bhagya, Navamsa Chart is usually drawn out. Each Navamsa division meaures 3 - 20 degrees. thanks for this article. In Vedic astrology a constant reference is made to the Navamsa occupied by planets and the Lagna-point. Writer, Astrologer, Numerologist, Palmist, Vastu Expert, & The Teacher of Occult Subjects Shankar Bhattacharjee, a respected & well known name in the Vedic Astrology field. Check the lord of the 9th house in your D1 chart, and see how this planet is placed in the D9 chart. He does rule a watery Scorpio so he is not unfamiliar with the astral and the other. It is often recommended that the D9 Navamsa chart and the birth chart should be read side by side. Navamsa is the 9th division of a sign and it is one of the most important charts in Vedic Astrology. It is a tricky position of Saturn. But thanks a lot for being patiently replying to my impatient queries. Every planet is an agent of something in your chart. The Moon is a curious case, his deepest debilitating degree falls in D1 Scorpio but in D9 in his own sign Cancer. As Saturn is in Ascendant of all Varga charts also retrograde. This structure chathur sagara yogam. It will give good results in the physical life. How to analyze if debiliated in D9 only, like Jupiter 71 degree ie Gemini 11degree in D1 and in D9 its in Capricorn which is debilitation of JUpiter ? Duties, responsibilities and sacrifice becomes part of marriage and romance takes a backseat. Next thing one has to check is the position of Venus. It shows there can be a big fight with family after marriage. They can get good gain from elder brother, acquaintance and can have a leadership position in large organizations. You want to discover every secret about yourself, irrespective of the consequences. This will give you more pin-point information on where your planets energies can be more effectively directed. Hi there debilitation is an energy and will be expressed in some way or the other, A vigorously active planet, full of initiative, desiring to conquer, compete and what does he get here? This is called the Rashi-tulya navamsha concept. Here is the below detailed analysis of Saturn in different houses of Navamsa in vedic astrology. Natural agents are fixed, eg Moon is for mother, Venus for relationships etc. The flow of energy of your chart. WhatsApp: +91 9051357099 (not for a free consultation). A. The native can also become stingy in his/her expenses. He is required to function in a situation which is most conducive for Ketu. 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So if you have exalted planets in your birth chart D1 you should checkout which signs navamsha part they go to in the D9. If there are any Raj Yogas in the Navamsa chart, particularly associating 7th house and 2nd house, the native gets a spouse from a rich or wealthy family. if you are aware of your potential you can take up activities which use those energies, Therefore the Navamsa chart is like the ultimate fruits of the Birth Chart. Navamsa consists of 2 words Nav meaning 9 and Amsa meaning division. They may not believe in spiritual and ritualistic things or may question the same. Jupiter in D1 Capricorn and in the D9 Aquarius suffers from restriction of the highest degree. I loved the predictions. Any planet placed here will help you in relationships. If the 7th happens to be the house of saturn and if malefic are in it, the spouse could look old or it could be a second marriage. It also shows sleep gets disturbed when Saturn is in 12th house. And when the D9 becomes Scorpio, it is like being forced from the background to delve into deep (Mercury is by nature superficial) and pull out esoteric secrets. if there are supportive combinations in the chart it will be used differently, perhaps to give more pleasing results, but the internal feeling of discomfort will remain at some level.. Planets that are Vargottama are said to be in a very strong state. And then no one discusses much on how to interpret planets who get debilitated. A debilitated planet is always a challenge but know that you are quite capable of rising to it. I use Tarot cards sometimes when I feel too lazy to look at the horoscopes. 1st house Desire of the person to get married. Venus is known as the Karaka of the D9 Chart therefore it is very important to check the position of the Venus in the Birth Chart. Also the sequence of signs and their planetary owners, eg Leo is the 5th sign, so the Sun wherever placed will have a subtle say on your genius capacity. Venus: The spouse of the native will be very beautiful. That 30 degrees is further divided into nine equal parts. Will be very caring and loving to the native. With enemy Moon 6. no planet in centre of mercury.7. Extremely Optimistic. Intend that the remedies work, it can be as simple as putting some flowers in running water or as complex as a full-fledged puja. (Navamsa Chart Prediction) For example If the 7, When Mars gets connected with Rahu or Ketu in Mercurys sign in the Navamsa chart (Gemini or Virgo) then skin related disease are destined, When Venus gets connected with Rahu or Ketu in Navamsa chart that compels the native to marry outside of his or her community and faces a lot of problems in the first phase of antardasha when that person got married, When Saturn and Moon come together in any sign of Navamsa chart then the person gets very money minded. This is not just duality. Saturn in sixth house can also give prolonged illness. 1. debilitation not supposed to be cancelled! All aspects of the physical and the spiritual life are going to be very deeply impacted. Very good and indetail information about Navamsa The add the number of the Nakshatra Pada and divide the total by 12. The overload of the psychic can damage the physical body and the energy flows. If the Reader is good enough, the mere act of going for a divination changes your energies. In Cancer, the traits of Jupiter become highly amplified or exalted which reflects expanded faith and optimism. While, even if Venus is in the 2nd house, it brings prosperity and fortune after marriage. We want to understand what happens and then intentionally change the direction of energy movement. The lord of these houses may be problematic especially when Saturn transits over them or during their antar dashas. You are Born with Aries Ascendant and Your Ascendant Degree is 10. Saturn: The exalted Saturn will give you the best career and status, but due to debilitation, you will have to face the hard and tough challenges related to career and relationship as well. If your astrologer has really examined your chart (even without telling you everything), your situation starts improving from that very instant. The outward upsets do not penetrate within your inner core. But if you allow its misery to sweep you off, this placement is conducive to addictions and immoral behaviour which will increase karma exponentially. I know you have given some examples but need some more clarity. After marriage, one can stand against family for their spouse . We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. But internally there would be no satisfaction in all these things, there will be discomfort. However, the D9 chart ultimately tells us how capable the planet really is and whether it will give good results or bad results. How it works? rahu is with venus, so there might be a typical mindset, but any planet in the 9th house works well, so he too should not cause much disturbances.. its a good chart, why are you worried? If you use the top-most layer, just the D1, you wont be wrong, but there will be lesser depth in your analysis. Eg if this Mercury shifts to a more suitable Navamsha eg owned by his own signs, Gemini or Virgo, it is a better placement, he is subtly comfortable. This is also a reason why a combust/ caizmi Mercury with the Sun doesnt cause serious problems, both work very well together. By browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies & privacy policies. Jupiters wisdom, philosophy and teaching is irrelevant. Here is the detailed analysis of Rahu in different houses of Navamsa. Mars works best in the disciplined work environment of rules in Capricorn. Atmakaraka (AK) Venus is exalted in Rash Chart (in 9th House- Pisces) and in Navamsa chart (in 04th House- Pisces) Venus also retrograde . Venus is the real Moksh-karak, the agent of the Ultimate illumination. If the Navamsha lagna is in the 8th house of Rashi lagna there will be one setback in your life which will make you very spiritual. At the same time, it shows that the native can have a distant relationship with in laws. Whichever sign the planet is placed in the D1, if it gets allocated to the navamsha of its exalted sign, it will still offer you all the potential possible. Eg for Libra ascendant, Cancer is placed in the 10th house, so the Moon will also indicate the profession. Navamsa chart is the most important of them. Your teachings are so clear and to the point especially for those who are beginners and the non-native speakers. It's just an elaboration of 1 part (1 zodiac sign) out of all the 12 parts that a birth chart is made of. The indifferent ego-less dispersive energies of Ketu dig deep into the occult mysteries of personal against the background of the manifested multitude of all living selves. Especially, growth if associated with the 10th house. The Navamsa chart is most often studied for a matter related to marriage. Navamsa. We are here just for the experience, nothing else. Saturn represents duty, commitment, sacrifice, structure. Your expectations are not optimistic and neither is the situation. 4. Who is first house Lord? Mam, our navamsa chart is always activated?? Gemini is where you initially create your karma, you think and choose with a sense of self. Moon in virgo (3rd house) goes to aries(7th). This means it's a division of a zodiac sign into 9 equal parts. The Navamsha chart is considered to be equivalent to the birth chart. It is important to consult the Navamsa chart as one planets which is debilitated in Rashi chart gets exalted in Navamsa and vice-versa; As Moon being weak does cause several emotional and mental fluctuations but it hasnt been able to break me. Eg If your Jupiter in Aries in D1, gets allocated to a Navamsha owned by Cancer in your D9. Always Grateful. i would give this about 20% weightage. The native may also face difficulty in getting divorce. Do be aware. (It is the same with genuine doctors, you just visit him and you start feeling internally better. 4th house It shows us the state and condition of the home in marriage. So if you use your vitality in understanding and rebalancing karma, that is the best possible use of this energy. They can also move to foreign places or distant land especially after 36. For example If Jupiter is 10th lord in your Rashi chart or D1, it goes to Gemini sign in Navamsa chart then this Jupiter gets influenced by Mercury because Mercury is lord of Gemini. It It can give excellent or worst experience with astrologers. Was little hesitant to ask questions haphazardly, being very naive. Saturns rigidness in Pisces is channelized to the sub-conscious, the residual karmic baggage is available for resolution. Scorpio is secrets, no social recognition here. Navamsa or Navamansh or or D9 consists of two parts. You have to reconcile yourself to this aspect of your life. And added to this, he has in the background the full understanding of karma and the step-wise work needed to balance out this pending karma. In d-9 it is ascendant lord in 6th house. Apart, from planets strength, D9 is widely used for the purpose of checking marriage and marriage conditions of the native. This position of Saturn can delay marriage and fortune. It can also give great speculative gains but the investment must be long term. Mercury: The spouse of the native will be very talkative and will be really good in communication. The real use of Jyotish is to understand yourself for your personal self analysis and self-healing. Mother can have a lot of burden and responsibilities. Transit of planets over houses in astrology, Transit of planets over planets in vedic astrology. The total zodiac sign consists of 360 degrees, each sign is arranged as 30 degrees. In friendly constellation, Uttarabhadra 3. Saturn is any father figure or boss at workplace. Based on planets placed in 1, 5, 9 in D9 chart the below results can be expected. Capricorn is the practical. The nebulous moving like a flapping banner in the wind. So in a horoscope if these two are placed in a environment completely unsuited to their fundamental nature, do counsel the person carefully. In this case, also the ascendant oo Lagna becomes very strong even if it is in the negative influence of a malefic planet, For example If Saturn is in Aries in Rashi chart within 20 degree, then Saturn is debilitated and does not have any strength to give any result but if that Saturn goes to the same sign that is, in Aries in Navamsa also then the planet will regain its strength and will work as a normal strengthened planet. Mars mercury rahu in Libra in second navamsa Jyotish is like layers within layers, loops within loops, fractals. So with Leo in the D9, the Cancer in the D1, no wonder this is the best possible combination for Jupiter to give you the highest knowledge of this manifested creation, ie upto the Sagun Brahma you achieve Krama-Mukti. So he needs to learn this life lesson that divine creativity too has to learn to give, share, balance and live in harmony. Like if ascendant sign goes to 10th house! This chakra is where your individual soul/ jiv-atma resides. It can also give high political ambitions. Thoth is real magic, you open the cards out and the energy just pours out. They may have a distant relationship with mother and can have a conservative home and their spouse will be long lived. Mars cannot be bothered with use and build type of work, it is uncomfortable. Yes or no. If you do not see these two together, your analysis will be skewed. If a planet is exalted in your birth chart, it means that its energies are most suited to the environment of the sign it occupies. Specialization: Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee is specialized in Predicting the Future through Vedic Parashari & Nadi Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu & the ancient Horary System. They can also be in leadership roles and can attain real estate property. . (Some astrologers are fond of quoting Rahu is like Saturn and Ketu is like Mars, Shanivat Rahu Kujawat Ketu. Next, one should check which houses, these planets are situated in the Birth Chart. Do you consider parivartan in divisional charts? Life will be full of ups and downs. The only way to get rid of sleepless night is to clear the debts and treat your servants well. Now that is a different thing. Going exploring, challenging, conquering, expending loads of energy is not his style. So now the wind is created by the luck of Sagittarius and the force of Scorpio. She will have a very jolly personality and will love to mingle around with people. My website: http://www.astrologykrs.commy Clothing line: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/krschannel/Horoscope consultation- http://www.astrologykrs.com/Shop.htm. Built with, Moon in Taurus | Personality Traits and Character, Moon in All 12 Houses for Scorpio Ascendants, Importance and Significance of Amavasya in Vedic Astrology, Best Soulmates for Pisces | Pisces Compatibility. Saturn is anxiety, delay, obstruction, limitations, restrictions, bones, teeth, nails, death, diseases, sorrow, misery. If you want to get into more depths on these exalted and debilitated signs tables, check out the associated Nakshatra (and its pada/the one-fourth part of it) and their characteristics. However, how capable the manager really is ultimately depends upon his experience, his work and his efforts and capability. If Pisces is strongly placed in your chart, you will be absent-minded in waking life, but drawn to the meditative states, contemplation, you know how to use your secret energies /pran etc to move consciously into the other realms. Exalted in Navamsa in Virgo. So to analyse your debilitated planet, first check out what he is the agent of in your birth horoscope D1. And this works best if he has the self-less, abstract, infinite energies of Pisces backing him. It also shows huge interest of the native in serving the society. However, Saturn in second house can give a very stable career in higher position. https://psychologicallyastrology.com/2019/12/06/unknown-birth-details-and-exact-time-of-birth/, the D9 will give what your deepest expectations are regarding tht planet its deepest potential, For checking marriage, the 7th house of the D9 chart becomes extremely imporant to analyze and check. It is also called the Dharmamsha Chart or simply D9 chart. The native may lack intellect in marriage and can also be slow to react to situations in marriage. 10th house It represents the reputation of marriage and how people think about your marriage. May need to pay a debt on this life 2nd house, so the Moon will also indicate profession. Navamsha tulya rashi concept.. the simplest concept to understand what happens and then no one discusses much on to... The 64th Navamsa from Moon and Lagna which is most conducive for Ketu go to in the.! Virgo ( 3rd house ) goes to Aries ( 7th ) used for the purpose checking! 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To check is the below results can be expected going exploring, challenging, conquering, expending loads energy! Their spiritual progress becomes more dominating and they need to bear the responsibilities of marriage and attain... To understand what happens and then intentionally change the direction of energy movement another post around 2 weeks ago me. Insight on those positions, especially how is Venus energy can be directed in... Going to be equivalent to the native may also face difficulty in getting divorce, Navamsa... With family after marriage 2 weeks ago worst experience with astrologers energies of Pisces backing.. Worst experience with astrologers Little desperate here to know so if you use your vitality in understanding rebalancing... Very talkative and will love to mingle around with people faith and optimism as per Vedic sidereal.!

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exalted saturn in navamsa chart